Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thoughts on Research Week

This week is the Postgraduate Students' Association (PSA) Research Week, there are a series of seminars about research issues related to postgraduate students, with a finale of cocktail party tomorrow night.

One of the best topic today is Dealing with the rudest question of all: 'How's your thesis going?'. One of the speakers Sajeesh, whom I know from a research workshop we attended together at the beginning of my candidature, shared with us his view on the phd life. He's very inspiring in his approach to just stick his neck out and do the thing he feels right, it's simply life oosing out of him. He got tremendous publications, even co-authored a book, started several local activity groups and even founded and chair international research group!!! But what really touch me was, there's no a sense of bragging that he's achieved so much in this 2 years as an international student in his warm and down to earth conversation.

Something he said at the very end:
What is Luck?

Luck is doing the RIGHT THING at the RIGHT PLACE on the RIGHT TIME.

Most people wait to be absolutely sure about the right place and right time, then they do the right thing.
People who really make a difference do the right thing anywhere anytime. So, when the place and time are right, they strike gold straight away, because the right thing is already there.

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