Friday, July 15, 2005

Working on experiment - stressed!

Another peak of working hard frantic is here since the Yanchep Conference last September. I found myself getting in early most days and staying late. Coming in on Sunday afternoon felt like normal as well.

The generalisation of a small bit of codes seems to bring up lots of dirty hacks I can't even remember I did. So the last 2-3 weeks was on heavy code battling. Now still have the last two bits to get done. Then hopefully rainbow will come out. ~=.=~

When that happens (better happen soon), it'll turn into another phase - writing it up. Can I get it sorted out in 2 weeks?! Peter is on leave this week... I got stuffs to ask him... Hmm.. smells like my something is burning behind...

Nu li (努力)!!! Fen dou (奋斗)! I can do it! Ah~~~~
OK, I think I'm stressed!

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